When You Covet Other People's Wealth 💰👀

Money Mindset Growth Stunting: Turns out, constantly peeking over the fence doesn't make your grass greener. Who knew?

Welcome! 💰 

Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of wealth envy and unpacking the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it. 🎢 We're not just talking about your run-of-the-mill Instagram envy (though we've all been there, cursing that influencer's "candid" yacht pics). No, we're digging into the real, gritty, personal stuff that keeps you up at night. 😳🌙

You know that friend who just got a surprise windfall from Grandma? The one who's suddenly planning exotic vacations while you're calculating if you can splurge on name-brand cereal? 🏝️🥣 Yeah, that kind of envy. The type that makes you question if the universe has a personal vendetta against your bank account. Well, strap in, because we're about to dissect this green-eyed monster faster than your lucky friend can say "inheritance tax." 🔪💚

We'll explore why Tiffany’s unexpected cash injection feels like a personal attack on your financial dignity, and how to transform that bitter taste in your mouth into the sweet nectar of motivation. Because let's face it, while Grandma's money might buy jet skis, it can't buy the satisfaction of building your own empire from scratch.🏗️👑

We'll spill the tea on the hidden truths behind seemingly perfect lives, share actionable tips on turning envy into inspiration, and debunk the myths that make us feel like we’re always playing catch-up. 🏃‍♀️💨

So grab your emotional hazmat suit – we're about to get real, get raw, and maybe, just maybe, turn that envy into your secret weapon for success!🚀💪

In Today’s Edition

  • 💰 My Friend's (Quite Literal) Overnight Millions: Some work for their wealth…others? They’re just lucky. 👵🤑

  • 💰 The Envy Exposé: When “I Want” becomes “I Deserve”💚

  • 💰 Turn Envy into Inspiration: Embody The Success You Desire🦸‍♂️💹 

  • 💰 Your Wealth Your Way: Deliver a Vision that doesn’t require a Trust Fund 💵

My Friend's (Quite Literal) Overnight Millions 💵💵💵

Let’s get real about envy. Not the Instagram kind, but the real, hit-you-in-the-gut kind. This happened some time ago (OMG it's been over a decade!) Picture this: Your girl Charlotte (yes, that's me) is out here hustling harder than a caffeinated squirrel, juggling three side gigs.💸Meanwhile, my bestie Tiffany (not her real name, but let’s be real, it totally could be) was a shop girl drowning in credit card debt from keeping up with the Joneses (hello, Louboutins!) 👠, surviving on ramen and her mom’s disapproving sighs.

And then, out of nowhere, Tiffany’s grandmother passes away and leaves her $20 million.  Yes, you read that right. MILLION. 🤑 Overnight, she’s living the high life, free of money worries, while I’m still grinding away, being sensible with my money and saving every month. It’s a whirlwind of emotions. You’re happy for your friend, but a part of you can’t help but think, “Why not me?” It’s a natural reaction. We’ve all been there. Seeing someone leapfrog into financial freedom while we’re still hustling can sting. But here’s the thing: envy doesn’t have to be a downer. It can be a powerful motivator. 💪

This week, we're diving into the fascinating world of wealth envy and unpack the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it. More importantly, we’ll share how to transform those feelings into fuel for your own journey to financial success. 🚀

Remember: Someone else's glory doesn't diminish your story. Unless that someone is a Kardashian, in which case, all bets are off. (Kidding! ...mostly 😏)

We'll spill the tea on the hidden truths behind seemingly perfect lives, share actionable tips on turning envy into inspiration, and debunk the myths that make us feel like we’re always playing catch-up.  🌟

The Envy Exposé: When “I Want” Becomes “I Deserve” 👀💚

Let's talk about that nasty little feeling that creeps up when you see someone with more than you. 😒 It's like a jealous green monster lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. 🐉

Coveting is basically the adult version of wanting your neighbour's toys. 🧸 Except instead of Legos, we're talking about yachts, mansions, and designer handbags. 👜 And let's be real, who doesn't want a little more bling in their life? But coveting can be a major wealth-killer. 🚫

Remember that time when you saw your friend's new car and thought, "If only I had that"? 🚗 Well, guess what? Coveting doesn't get you anywhere. It just leaves you feeling empty and resentful. 💔

The Difference Between Healthy Ambition and Unhealthy Envy

  • Healthy Ambition: "I'm inspired by their success. Time to up my game!" 💪

  • Unhealthy Envy: "They don't deserve that success. I bet they cheated. Also, I hate them." 😠

If your "inspiration" involves voodoo dolls or elaborate sabotage plans, you might have crossed into the dark side of desire. 🕯️🪄

Don't head down the The Envy Spiral: Jealousy → Resentment → Anxiety → Depression. It's the world's worst roller coaster, and the only souvenir is regret. 🎢😫

Let's face it, in a world where net worth is often confused with self-worth, it's easy to fall into the trap of financial envy, work on cultivating contentment, Because let's be honest, the only green you should be focusing on is the kind in your wallet💚💸

Turn Envy Into Inspiration : Embody the Success You Desire

Envy Detox: Your 12-Step Program to Inspiration Station 🚶‍♀️➡️🏃‍♀️

  1. Admit You Have a Problem: Nope, Karen’s life isn’t actually perfect. 🙅‍♀️

  2. Take a Digital Detox: Commit to a weekend without social media. You might be surprised at how liberating it feels! 🌿📅

  3. Examine Your Own Goals: Are they truly yours or just society’s expectations? 🤔💭

  4. Channel Your Inner Marie Kondo: If it doesn’t spark joy, it’s not your goal. 👗✨

  5. Define Your Personal Milestones: Create goals that inspire and challenge you, not ones that make others look like slackers. 🏆

  6. Break Down Your Goals: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your empire. 🏛️🔨

  7. Celebrate Small Wins: Got out of bed before noon? That's hero material right there! 🦸‍♀️🏆

  8. Learn from Those You Admire: Instead of resenting them, see what you can learn. They’re not the enemy; your fixed mindset is. 📚🧠

  9. Focus on Your Unique Talents: Maybe you’re not a coder, but can you build stunning furniture? Your craftsmanship could turn heads and fill your wallet! 🛠️💵

  10. Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Hang out with those who lift you up, not those who drag you down. 🚗💨

  11. Practice Gratitude: It’s hard to be envious when you’re busy being thankful. 🙏✨

  12. Rinse and Repeat: Success isn’t handed out on a silver platter; it’s forged through setbacks and stubbornness. So, suck it up and keep grinding! 💪🔄

Remember, your financial journey is as unique as your fingerprint (or your browser history 👀). Don’t measure your progress by someone else’s milestones. 📖🌟

Keep forging ahead—your future self will thank you! 💪🔥

Wealth Illusions: The Social Media Mirage 🏝️🌵 

Ah, social media – the magical realm where everyone is living their best life, 24/7. It’s like a parallel universe where calories are just a myth and money grows on trees. 🌳💸 But let’s pull back the curtain on this charade, shall we?

  • That "casual" beach pic? Yeah, that took 47 tries and a near-drowning incident. 🏊‍♂️😱

  • The "effortless" workout selfie? Oh, please! That was preceded by 20 minutes of angle tweaking and some serious sucking in. 📸💪

  • And that "spontaneous" luxury vacation? Probably funded by credit card debt that’ll take longer to pay off than it takes to pronounce “Bora Bora.” 💳✈️

So, the next time you find yourself feeling inadequate while scrolling through this highlight reel of perfection, just remember: behind every flawless post is a mountain of effort, a sprinkle of chaos, and possibly a whole lot of financial regret! 😂📉

Tips for a Reality Check in the Digital Age

  • Use social media as a vision board, not a measuring stick. Let it inspire your goals, not dictate your worth. 🎨🔨

  • Curate Your Feed: Follow accounts that inspire rather than make you feel inadequate. More cute puppies, less private jet selfies!✈️💸

  • Create more, consume less. Be the one posting the envy-inducing content (just remember to keep it real). 🎭🎬

  • Practice the "So What?" test. They got a promotion? So what? How does that affect your life? (Spoiler: It doesn't.) 🤷‍♀️

    Remember, the only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Unless yesterday-you invented time travel or cured cancer. In that case, maybe take a day off. You've earned it. 😉🏆

Your Wealth, Your Way 💸

A Vision Board That Doesn't Require a Trust Fund 🖼️

Creating a vision board for your financial future doesn't have to be a fantasy of private jets and champagne showers (unless that's your thing! 🍾). Instead, think about what truly brings you joy and security. Maybe it's a cozy home with a garden, or the freedom to travel a few times a year. Perhaps it's building a nest egg that lets you sleep soundly at night. 🏡🌱✈️

Your vision board might include:

  • Images of your dream home or neighbourhood 🏘️

  • Pictures representing your ideal work-life balance ⚖️

  • Symbols of financial security (like a piggy bank or a peaceful scene) 🐷🌅

  • Representations of experiences you want to have 🏞️🍽️

  • Photos of people living the lifestyle you aspire to (real people, not celebs!) 👫👭

Remember, the goal is to inspire, not intimidate. Choose images that make you feel excited and motivated, not overwhelmed or discouraged. 💪😊

Setting Goals That Make Your Own Heart (and Wallet) Sing 🎵💖

Now, let's translate that vision into concrete, personalized goals that resonate with your values and circumstances:

  1. Start with your 'why': What does financial success mean to you? Is it freedom, security, the ability to give back? 🤔💭

  2. Break it down: Set short-term (1 year), medium-term (5 years), and long-term (10+ years) goals. This makes the journey less daunting and more actionable. 📅👣

  3. Be SMART about it: Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of "save more," try "save $5000 for a home down payment in 2 years." 🏠💲

  4. Align with your values: If experiences matter more to you than possessions, prioritize travel savings over buying the latest gadgets. 🌍 > 📱

  5. Factor in your unique situation: Your goals should reflect your income, debts, family situation, and personal aspirations. One size does not fit all! 👕➡️👚

  6. Include non-financial goals: Sometimes, the path to financial wellness involves learning new skills or changing habits. Maybe your goal is to read one finance book a month or to cook at home more often. 📚🍳

  7. Revisit and revise: Life changes, and so should your goals. Schedule regular check-ins to ensure your financial roadmap still leads where you want to go. 🗺️🔄

By setting goals that truly resonate with you, you're more likely to stay motivated and find joy in the journey. After all, the sweetest success is the one that's uniquely yours. So go ahead, dream big, plan smart, and make your wallet sing a happy tune! 🎶💼🌈

🔗 Listening: "Envy" with Ryan Bennett-Clarke 💚🎙️In this episode, psychotherapist Ryan Bennett-Clarke delves into the nature of envy, how it manifests in our lives, and its connection to social media. 📱 This thought-provoking conversation is a must-listen for anyone grappling with feelings of envy. Tune in for an eye-opening discussion that can help transform your mindset! 🎧🧠

🔗 Reading: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson 📚🤬Because sometimes you need to be hit over the head with profanity to get the point. 💥🧠

🔗 Watching:  Crazy Rich Asians" This film explores themes of wealth, envy, and family dynamics within the context of extreme affluence. It humorously highlights the pressures and expectations that come with wealth and the desire for status. 💸😅👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Comparison is the thief of joy

- Theodore Roosevelt

Closing Thoughts

Alright, dear envy enthusiasts, let’s wrap this up, shall we? 🎁💳

We’ve journeyed through the treacherous terrain of coveting and… hopefully survived!

Now, let’s shift gears faster than a trust fund baby spending daddy's money. It’s time to embrace gratitude like it’s the last avocado toast at brunch. 🥑🙏 Be thankful for what you have – even if it’s just the ability to read this newsletter without squinting. Self-compassion is your new best friend; treat yourself with the kindness you’d show to a puppy learning to use the fire hydrant instead of the carpet. 🐶💕

In all seriousness, contentment isn’t found in someone else’s bank account. It’s found in that moment when you realize you’re exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you should be doing. Even if that’s eating cereal for dinner in your pyjamas. Especially then. 🥣😴

So, as you navigate the wild world of wealth and worth, remember: You are not your bank account. You are not your job title. You are a magnificent, messy, marvellous work in progress. And that, my friends, is worth more than all the designer handbags in the world. 👜😊

As the great philosopher Aristotle once said (or maybe it was a meme I saw, who can tell these days?): "The secret to happiness is not in getting more, but in wanting less." So put down the coveting binoculars and pick up a mirror. That reflection? It’s the only person you need to impress. 🪞🌟

Signing off! Now go love your life, and if you can’t love it, at least give it a friendly nod and a wink. It’s trying its best, just like you. 💖😉

P.S. If you enjoyed this rollercoaster ride through the theme park of financial feels, don’t keep it to yourself! Share this newsletter faster than you’d share a hot stock tip. Subscribe, forward, tattoo it on your forehead – whatever floats your (reasonably priced) boat. Together, we’ll navigate these choppy financial waters, armed with nothing but wit, wisdom, and a healthy dose of side-eye for those who think money can buy happiness. Spoiler alert: It can’t, but it can buy a jet ski, and have you ever seen someone frown on a jet ski? 🏄‍♀️😎