You Can Make Money Doing THAT?! 💸

💰 Welcome to your new favourite newsletter about all things MONEY 💸, where we're ditching the dull lectures and replacing them with fun, unconventional insights to help you navigate your way to financial freedom!

Let’s get one thing straight: the days of working 9-to-5, saving a few pennies, and magically buying a house are dead. 🪦 RIP to the days when a single income could pay for a house, a car, and a comfortable lifestyle. Now? You’re lucky if it covers rent and a decent bottle of Malbec. 🍷 

This week, we're diving into some seriously off-the-wall ways people are making BANK. We're talking jobs that sound like punchlines but pay like executive positions. Professional baby namer? Check. 👶 Intimacy coordinator? You bet. 😳 Flatlay artist for social media? Absolutely. 📸

abraham lincoln money GIF by weinventyou

Weird Money

In Today’s Edition

  • 💰 Weird Money : Where Unconventional Careers Meet Fat Stacks

  • 💰 Quirky Skills, Big Payday : Monetizing Your Unique Skills and Talents

  • 💰 Money Mindset : Navigating Roadblocks on Your Career Path

  • 💰 Links Worth Sharing

Tired of the 9-to-5 grind? Let’s enter the weird world of unconventional wealth! 💼💰

💸Weird Money: Where Unconventional Careers Meet Fat Stacks💸 

Many today often find ourselves short on traditional financial resources but long on creativity and tech-savviness. 💻

We're diving deep into the world of unconventional income streams! While you were busy pursuing that "stable" career your guidance counsellor recommended, these crafty individuals were busy inventing jobs. 💼

Forget those barista pennies. Have you heard of a coffee analyst? According to the Financial Times, it’s a legitimate career—and it could pay quite well. Who would have thought you could turn a passion for coffee into a lucrative job? 💰

Explore below to see where creativity meets opportunity, and learn how unique skills can lead to financial freedom! 🚀💸

🤹‍♀️ Professional Organizer: Because Marie Kondo Makes Bank

  • She's built an empire by telling people to toss things that don't "spark joy." 🧹✨ Now she's sparking joy all the way to the bank ($8M!). Or consider professional mermaids (yes, that's a thing) who are making waves (pun intended) in the entertainment industry. 🧜‍♀️🤪

👶 Baby Namer: Giving Your Crotch Fruit a Six-Figure Name

  • Apparently, naming your kid isn't as easy as screaming "KHALEESI!" while drunk on rosé. Nope, there are actual professionals who'll do the heavy lifting – for a cool $5,000. Because why settle for "Jayden" when you can have "Xzavior Maximillian" instead? 👶💰

👸 Intimacy Coordinator: Keeping it Classy on the Silver Screen

  • Remember that awkward sex scene in the latest blockbuster? Yeah, someone choreographed that. Meet the new MVPs of Hollywood: the intimacy coordinators. These guardian angels of sensuality ensure actors stay comfortable while writhing around in simulated ecstasy. All in a day's work for a cool $100k-plus per project. 🎥💋

🤳 Flatlay Artist: When Arranging Stuff Pays Better Than Your Desk Job

  • Think your Instagram is impressive? 📸 Amateur hour. The real money is in professional flatlays – those hyper-curated still-life shots you see everywhere. Apparently, brands are willing to pay a small fortune for someone to perfectly position their latest products. All you need is an eye for aesthetics and no real-world skills whatsoever. Where do we sign up?! 📷💳

So, what’s the takeaway? Don’t let anyone tell you that you need a traditional job to make bank. These unconventional careers prove that you can get rich doing just about anything—as long as you’re good at it. 🤑

Monetizing Unique Skills and Talents 💰🦄 

Now that we've explored some unconventional paths to wealth, it's time to turn that "I wish that were me" energy into "That WILL be me" determination. 🎉 Let's focus on how you can identify your own unique skills and turn them into a lucrative career. 💰

Step 1: Identify Your Passions and Talents 🎨✨

  • Make a list of activities you enjoy and excel at: If you love it and you're good at it, that's a solid start.

  • Consider hobbies you've pursued in your free time: That thing you do just for fun? It might just be your ticket to riches.

  • Reflect on compliments you've received from others about your skills: When people tell you you're amazing at something, believe them—they might see dollar signs where you don't. 💸

Step 2: Research Market Demand 📈🔍

  • Use online platforms like LinkedIn and industry-specific forums to identify emerging trends: The internet is your crystal ball—use it to spot what’s hot and what’s not.

  • Look for gaps in the market where your skills could be valuable: Where there’s a void, there’s an opportunity. Fill it!

  • Consider how technology is changing various industries and creating new opportunities: Embrace the tech wave—it's creating niches faster than you can say "blockchain." 🚀

Step 3: Develop Your Unique Value Proposition 🧩💡

  • Combine your skills in innovative ways to create a unique offering: Mix and match your talents like a pro chef creating a new recipe.

  • Think about how you can solve problems for potential clients: People pay for solutions, not problems. Be the answer they’re looking for.

  • Consider what sets you apart from others in your chosen field: Your secret sauce? It’s what makes you, you. Own it! 🌟

Step 4: Start Small and Scale Up 📈🚀

  • Begin by offering your services on a freelance basis: Dip your toes in the water before diving in headfirst.

  • Use social media and networking to build your personal brand: Your online presence is your storefront—make it inviting.

  • Continuously refine your skills and expand your offerings based on client feedback: Listen, learn, and level up. The sky’s the limit. 🌤️

Navigating Roadblocks On Your Unusual Career Path 🚀🌈

Pursuing an unconventional career can be exciting, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Here's how to tackle common obstacles:

1. Dealing with Sceptics 🙄

   • Surround yourself with your personal cheer squad 📣

   • Grow a thick skin and keep your eyes on the prize 🦏

   • Use doubters as fuel for your success rocket 🚀

2. No Clear Career GPS 🗺️

   • Design your own success roadmap with achievable milestones 🏁

   • Find mentors who've built wealth in unusual careers 🧙‍♂️

   • Blaze your own trail and create opportunities from thin air

3. Financial Rollercoaster 🎢

   • Start your quirky career as a side gig while keeping your day job 💼

   • Build a financial safety net (aka your "Ramen noodles" fund) 🍜

   • Diversify your income streams like a boss 💰

4. Resource and Skill Gaps 🕳️

   • Become a learning machine with online platforms 🤖

   • Connect with like-minded professionals in your field 🤝✨

   • Expand your network and gain insights at conferences (snacks are a bonus!) 🍩

Crazy But True

✨💌 Send Your Enemy Glitter: This quirky business idea involved sending envelopes filled with glitter to people's enemies, creating a mess when opened. The concept went viral, and the creator sold the business for $85,000 within weeks of launching, proving that even the most whimsical ideas can lead to financial success.

🌐💸The Million Dollar Homepage: In 2005, Alex Tew, a 21-year-old student from the UK, created the Million Dollar Homepage to pay off his university tuition. He sold pixels on a 1,000 x 1,000 grid for $1 each, and the site quickly went viral. By the end, he sold the last pixel for over $38,000, making him a millionaire overnight! Talk about a creative way to pay off student loans!

Links Worth Sharing

🔗 Listening: "Gold Coins" by Charli XCX This synth-pop track captures the essence of wanting more wealth and success, playfully diving into the fantasy of a luxurious lifestyle.

🔗 Reading: Barbara Barron's "Do What You Are" is your escape hatch from the ordinary. shows you how to leverage your natural talents (yes, even the weird ones) to build serious wealth. a practical guide that helps individuals discover their ideal career paths by aligning their work with their personality types using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

🔗 Watching: "Joy" Based on the life of Joy Mangano, a single mother who invents the Miracle Mop and builds a successful business empire against all odds. This film showcases entrepreneurship and the skills needed to succeed.


No one can discover you until you do. Exploit your talents, skills and strengths and make the world sit up and take notice.

Rob Liano

Closing Thoughts

Phew! We've taken quite the journey through the weird and wonderful world of unconventional careers. 🎢 Who knew this newsletter would turn into a novella? But hey, when you're exploring the road less travelled, sometimes you end up taking the scenic route! 🌈

Before we wrap up, we leave you with a question:

🧠💡 What quirky talent or off-beat passion have you been hiding in your back pocket? It might just be your ticket to financial freedom!

P.S. Don’t miss next week’s edition, we dive into the mystical money world! 🔮💸