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  • Astrology, Witchcraft, and Wealth: Mysticism Meets Money📜💸

Astrology, Witchcraft, and Wealth: Mysticism Meets Money📜💸

Welcome to this week’s whimsical edition of our newsletter, where magic meets money in the most unexpected ways! Today, we're exploring how the rich and famous have dabbled in the mystical to boost their fortunes. From tycoons using astrological insights to a movie star dating a professional witch (and an 🧠 Oxford grad, no less!), we’ve got a lineup that’s as intriguing as it is entertaining. 🌙✨

And just for fun, we’ll throw in a cheeky little guide on how to get the most out of your next fortune teller session. Because who says you can’t mix a little hocus-pocus with your hustle? 😉

money magic GIF by Anne Horel

Money Magic

In Today’s Edition

  • 💰 The Modern Witch : Spellbinding or Just a Clever Grift?🧹🧙‍♀️

  • 💰 Astrological Assets : Stars Align for Success!

  • 💰 Fortune Tellers : The New Wall Street Analysts? 🔮

  • 💰 J.P. Morgan : Mystical Mogul 🪄

The Modern Day Witch: Spellbinding or Just a Clever Grift?  🔮🧹

 The Educated Enchantress 🎓

Imagine this: An Oxford PhD graduate trading her cap and gown for a pointy hat. No, it’s not a Halloween costume gone awry—it's a career move! Meet self described Professional Witch Kate Tomas, who decided that casting spells was more lucrative than cranking out research papers. And honestly? Can we blame her? 💰🧙‍♀️

The Celeb-Entangling Enchantress 🌟

When a Hollywood actor Andrew Garfield got "papped" with our Oxford-educated sorceress, the tabloids went wild. "Professional Witch Denies Using Spell to Trap Star!" screamed the headlines. Because apparently, in 2024, that's a thing we need to deny. 🤦‍♀️📰

Show Me the Money, Honey! 💵🍯

Now here’s where it gets juicy. Turns out, Ms Tomas isn’t just waving a wand—she’s waving goodbye to financial woes. These modern witches are raking in the cash (over £500k a success fee!) faster than you can say "Abracadabra!" 🪄💸

The Million-Dollar Question: Is it Legit ? 🤔💼

Is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there some real magic happening here? Do Witches exist? Well, in a world where people pay for bathwater and virtual real estate, who are we to judge? 🛁🏠 The real spell these witches are casting is on their bank accounts. And let's be honest, in this economy, who wouldn't want a little financial abracadabra? 🪄💵

Astrological Assets: Stars Align for Success 💫

Star-Studded Strategy: Check out your zodiac's financial traits. Are you a risk-taking Aries or a security-loving Taurus? Let the stars spark some financial self-reflection! ♈♉💰

Astrology suggests that the positions of celestial bodies can influence various aspects of our lives, including our financial decisions and success. Here's how different astrological signs might approach wealth:

Fortune Tellers: The New Wall Street Analysts? 🔮💰

Once upon a time, folks relied on boring old financial advisors with their fancy degrees and spreadsheets. But why settle for a CPA when you can have a CPM (Certified Psychic Medium)? 🧙‍♀️📊

How to Get Your Fortune (and Finances) Told

1. Find Your Mystic Moneybags: Skip Yelp, head straight to the shadiest looking storefront with neon palm signs. Bonus points if there's a cat in the window giving you the side-eye. 🐱💅

2. Prep Like a Pro: Forget your bank statements. Bring your zodiac sign, your mother's maiden name, and the last fortune cookie message you got. That's the real financial data, baby! 🥠✨

3. Trust Your Gut... or Gas: That rumbling in your stomach? It's either your intuition or that questionable street taco. Either way, pay attention! 🌮🔮

4. Decode the Divination: If they say "I see green in your future," it could mean money... or maybe you just need to eat more vegetables. Interpretation is key! 🥦💰

5. Diversify Your Divination: Why stop at one fortune teller? Get a second opinion! Or a third! It's like having a diversified portfolio, but with more incense and fewer dividends. 💨📈

 The Fine Print (in Invisible Ink, Naturally)

Remember, while Madame Fortune Teller’s crystal ball might be entertaining, it's probably not SEC approved. Maybe keep that boring old financial advisor on speed dial, just in case. 📞💼

So there you have it! Who needs Warren Buffett when you've got Wendy the Witch from down the street? Just remember, if your psychic starts offering stock tips, it might be time to reassess your investment strategy. Unless, of course, those tips come from a really convincing ghost. Then all bets are off! 👻💸

Wealth Through the Power of Mysticism: J.P. Morgan 💰

Ever wonder how some of the wealthiest people got that way? Well, it turns out a little hocus-pocus might have helped them along the way. Take J.P. Morgan, for instance. This guy wasn't just about railroads and steel; he had a penchant for the mystical. 💰🌠

J.P. Morgan: The Occult Banker Extraordinaire

Morgan wasn’t just any old financier; he had a thing for the occult. You can find his collection of occult art and books at the Morgan library. It’s said that Morgan’s mystical interests shaped his financial decisions and investment strategies, contributing to his monumental fortune. 📚💸

Famous Quote:

Morgan is often credited with the saying, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do." While this sounds pretty epic, the earliest documented mention of this quote is from 1989, long after Morgan's death. So, take that with a pinch of stardust.

Astrological Consultations

According to Evangeline Adams, a renowned astrologer of the time, Morgan was a regular client. In her 1926 autobiography, she claimed to have read his horoscope many times and provided him with astrological services during the last years of his life. Apparently, consulting the stars wasn’t entirely unusual back then—astrologers were often hobnobbing with the elite. 💫💰

Beyond Astrology

While Morgan's foray into astrology is intriguing, let's not kid ourselves—his financial empire was built on business acumen and a hefty inheritance. The astrology bit? That was just a little extra sprinkle of magic later in life, after he'd already made it big as a banking titan. 🌟💸


Links Worth Sharing

🔗 Listening: "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder This timeless track blends funky beats with lyrics about the power and pitfalls of superstitious beliefs. Whether you believe in luck or just love a good tune, this song is a reminder that sometimes, what you don't understand can indeed get in the way. 🎤🕺 

🔗 Reading: Christopher Penczak's "The Witch's Coin: Prosperity and Money Magick" The book delves into the mystical connection between spirituality and material wealth, offering practical rituals, spells, and exercises to help you create abundance in your life. ✨🔮

🔗 Watching: "I Learned A Money Spell From A Real Witch" Ever wondered if a little magic could boost your bank account? Dive into the world of modern-day witchcraft and learn a money spell from a real witch. 🧙‍♀️💸✨ 

Magic is believing in yourself, even when no one else does.

- Unknown

Closing Thoughts

We hope you've enjoyed this peek behind the velvet curtain of high-society hocus-pocus! Remember, while mystical practices can provide inspiration and insight, always combine them with sound financial advice for best results.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Halloween special next month, where we’ll take a deeper dive into the world of chakras, crystals and numerology. Next week, we’re looking Beyond The Gig Economy, because those pennies may put food on the table, but we’re here to build WEALTH! Until then, keep your mind open and may the stars align for your financial success! ✨💸

P.S. Remember, if you enjoyed this newsletter, sharing it, is good karma! And good karma is like compound interest for the soul! 📈✨

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